Wednesday, October 28, 2009

**Silon is targeting Internet Explorer!!

Silon is targeting Internet Explorer

A new malware variant called Silon is targeting Internet Explorerusers, attempting to intercept their sessions and steal credentials.Researchers at security vendor Trusteer Inc. issued an advisorywarning that the Silon Trojan can detect when a user initiates a Weblogin session in Internet Explorer. It intercepts the login session,encrypts the data and sends it to a command-and-control server whereit is collected with credentials from other victims..

Monday, October 19, 2009

What is PINoptic??

How PINoptic Works
Instead of having a PIN or password, you have a series of pictures or icons that make up your 'picture story password'. When you come to enter your picture story password, multiple pictures or icons are displayed beside discrete symbols (alphanumeric characters for instance). You enter the symbols that are related to your picture story password to gain access. Each time you are asked for your picture story password the pictures, icons or symbols will be in a different place meaning that you will be entering a one-time-password each time. This means that you are protected from hacking and/or 'shoulder surfing'.
By increasing the number of symbols required for entry, security can be radically increased. For example a military grade application would require five sets of symbols to be entered.
Initial research and confirmation of concept has been completed by cognitive psychologists at the University of Sunderland which suggests very little additional cognitive load is placed on the end-user over existing alpha-numeric PIN and password systems.